The Loving Creative Blog
Overcoming Frustration: Don't Let It Ruin Your Positive Intent

Frustration can be a natural reaction to unmet expectations or unfulfilled desires. It can stem from external circumstances, such as traffic or a...

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Lifting Together: Overcoming Doubts and Finding Goodness in the World

Life can be challenging and sometimes it feels like we're all looking out of the same window, dealing with doubts and fears. We all come from...

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Clearing Your Mental Runway: Develop the Mindset to Land Your Dreams

Many of us have dreams and desires that we hope to see come to fruition in our lives. We work hard, stay positive, and keep our eyes focused on the...

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Stay Connected to Positive Energy: Build a Light String for Life

Staying connected to our loved ones, communities, and ourselves is crucial for our mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. However, in today's...

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Stay Strong: Why the Best is Yet to Come

As human beings, we are always searching for ways to improve ourselves and our lives. We often seek out external factors such as a better job, a...

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Cultivating Joy in Every Seasons: Tips for Harvesting Happiness

Joy is a powerful emotion that has the ability to uplift and transform us. But what happens when we experience seasons of hardship? Do we put our...

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How to Embrace Positive Energy and Protect Your Personal Energy System

At times, we can feel as though we're running on empty, unable to muster up the energy we need to get through the day. We might even know what...

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Stand and Deliver: The Value of Sharing Your Gifts with Others

Gifts are a treasure that we all possess within us, and it's up to us to discover them and share them with others. However, it's important to...

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Take It Easy: The Importance of Controlling the Pace of Your Life

In a world of speed and abundance, we often forget to check the pace of our lives. We can get so focused on where we're trying to be that we forget...

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See Worthy Vessel: How to Recognize Your Value and Build Confidence

As we navigate the complexities of life, it's important to remember that we need each other to see worth in our own lives and in the lives of...

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The Power of Articulating Your Vision When Making Life Changes

Making life changes can be a challenging and daunting task. Whether it's pursuing a new career, ending a relationship, or starting a new business,...

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The Significance of Commitment to Our Character

When we think of commitment, we often think of it in the context of relationships with others. We may commit to our partner, our family, or our...

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Sparking Positivity: How to Shine Your Light in a Negative World

There's something magical about fireworks - the way they light up the night sky and fill us with awe and wonder. We love watching these dazzling...

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Stop Overthinking and Calm Your Thoughts: Pausing for Peace of Mind

Overthinking is a common experience that can be mentally and emotionally draining. It's a natural human response to fear of the unknown, but it can...

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Don't Let Guilt Hold You Back from Celebrating Your Growth

Growth is an essential part of life, but sometimes we can feel guilty for wanting to improve ourselves. Perhaps we fear leaving others behind, or...

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The Gift of Your Unique Voice: Express Yourself with Confidence

Your voice is a gift, and it's important to use it to share your unique perspective with the world. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing...

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Stay on Course: Overcoming Obstacles and Reaching Your Goals

Reaching our goals is rarely a straightforward path. We might encounter setbacks, unexpected obstacles, or simply struggle to keep up with the...

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Weighing In On Your Happiness: Tips for a Happier Life

We all want to be happy, but sometimes it can feel like happiness is out of our control. We might look to external factors like our jobs,...

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Swimming through Pressure: How to Propel Yourself Forward

Believe in your strength to strive against your struggles. You might be swimming in problems but you must refuse to give up. Keep...

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Healing Emotional Wounds: The Importance of Resilience and Compassion

Emotional and mental wounds are often hidden from view, making it easy for people to suffer in silence without resolving or releasing the hurt. We...

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Self-Acceptance and Overcoming Feelings of Being Out of Place

Feeling out of place in our own lives can be a persistent feeling that can create a great deal of anxiety. It's as if we're missing out on a...

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Finding the Wonder Within: A Journey to Self-Discovery

The beauty of the Northern Lights, known as Aurora borealis, is a sight that captures the hearts of many. It is a natural phenomenon that can be...

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Finding Light in the Darkness: The Power of Tunnel Vision

Have you ever found yourself in a dark and seemingly endless tunnel, searching for a glimmer of light to guide your way? Maybe it was a difficult...

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Fulfillment: Unlocking a Life of Purpose, Vision, and Mission

What does it mean to live a life of fulfillment? Is it simply the accumulation of external possessions and experiences, or is there...

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